Jul 04, 2018
When a birth mother is getting ready to place her child for adoption, she tends to have a lot going on emotionally and physically. She might still be trying to work a full-time job, process her feelings about the upcoming adoption, and handle her pregnancy. Meanwhile, many of her friends and family members might be questioning or criticizing her choice to make the sacrificial decision to place her child for adoption. It can be an overwhelming period of time in her life which is why she needs more support than ever before.
Adoptive parents can do a few small things to help offer support to a birth mother they have a relationship with. These gestures of support and encouragement can go a long way towards letting her know that she is loved and appreciated during this season. They may even help her to better handle the daily stresses of work and the adoption. Help to put her mind at ease and support her with a few of these very simple acts.
Let her know that you are aware she loves her child .
One of the most intense fears that a birth mother has is that her child will grow up believing that she didn’t love or want them. Adoptive parents can help to support a birth mother in her decision to place the child for adoption by letting her know that you’re aware of her love for the baby. Encourage her by telling her how sacrificial her decision is and how admirable and mature it is that she is putting her child’s needs before her own desires. Offer her an opportunity to write a letter or create a card that explains her reasons for choosing adoption to her child when they get older. This might put her mind at ease and quell the fear that her child will feel abandoned later in life.
Create a care package for her.
If you have regular contact with your birth mother, consider creating a care package for her. You can include items like lotions and relaxing candles that she can use to pamper herself during the last few months of her pregnancy. Include some of her favorite snacks, a maternity shirt, or other practical items that she can use on a regular basis. These sweet gestures remind her that she is loved and will continue to be a part of your lives through an open adoption over the years to come.
Develop a system for communication once the child arrives.
An open adoption often requires a lot of planning and preparation to determine how much contact everyone will have once the child is placed with the adoptive family. You can start to develop a system for communication right now to help ease the tension and stress for the birth mother. You might use a special Facebook or Google page to share pictures and updates with each other or come up with a scrapbook that you will send in six months. The options for the best and easiest way to communicate are almost endless. Coming up with the idea that will work the best right now means that you are ahead of things and can use this to support your birth mother’s decision to place the child with you. As you may be nervous that your birth mother may change her mind and not place her baby for adoption in the end, the birth mother is nervous that the adoptive parents will change their mind and not follow through with pictures, updates or visits in the end.
Send pictures of the nursery.
As you get things ready for the child, one of the ways that you can support a birth mother’s decision to place the baby is by showing her your preparation. Demonstrate tangible ways that you are already loving this child and getting ready for him or her to come home from the hospital. Sending pictures of the nursery and any other space that you create for the baby can definitely prove to a birth mom just how much you already love this child. This can put her mind at ease that the child will be well taken care of and cared for throughout these first few months.
Try to connect them with more support.
Many birth mothers can feel extremely isolated because of their decision to place the child for adoption. One of the ways that adoptive parents can support birth mothers is to connect them with places and organizations that specialize in encouraging birth mothers. Consider telling them about organizations like BirthMom Buds and Life After Placement to help them connect with others who are in similar situations. Remind them that many adoption agencies offer counseling and support groups for birth parents. All of this support can give her more peace of mind about the selfless decision she is making.
Birth mothers make an incredibly difficult decision to place their child for adoption with a family that they may not know very well. In addition to all of the regular stress of work and a pregnancy, a birth mother might need more support and encouragement from the people around her. This can include the adoptive family who is going to be receiving her new child. All it takes are a few simple actions to let her know that she is loved and that her decision is understood. She needs to know that she is making a selfless choice out of love for her unborn child and that other people know and understand that decision.
With a few of these easy gestures and activities, you can offer a greater degree of support and encouragement to a birth mom today. Which of these supportive ideas will you want to do for her first?